Our past records can be our nemesis, I murmured to myself. This was a day before Roots in Kashmir was to stage the play titled”Trishna”. When Roots in Kashmir last did an event in Chandigarh the turnout was a record. It was far higher then we had anticipated. It was the fear that we may not be able to do a repeat of our past performance in terms of sheer numbers who waited for 2 hours in the sultry heat for a repeat screening of “And the World Remained Silent”
The young or should I say adolescent team of RIK,Chandigarh had done everything to put my fears not only to rest but to sleep. They had contacted a theatre group to bring the play to the audiences. Many days were spent on finalization of the script. The artists were carefully chosen and rehearsals done to perfection. The presence of non-kashmiris as artists sent out a message. They had done what all of us had failed to do so far. They had managed to convey their pain and exile to their fellow Indians. It was what we need most “Empathy”.
There is very little that I can say about the play.The newspaper reports say it all.
It was a somber moment when a thousand candles lit to pray in the memory of those who were killed by terrorists.It was moment of peace and as tears rolled down Veer’s cheeks,the rest of team sang
Aaye jo aanee ho parlay,ho parvatmala bhi vilay,Ho chatone ke kshitij aur,
Nahee rok payenge …yeh prayaas,chu taron ko ham jayenge
Honge Aatankit ab na aur…jo aab awwaz uthayenge…to bujate dweep jalenyege
Haan naye shikhar…ha nayye laeh,bas yeh awwaz utahayenge…
Hum phir Kashmir ko jayenge…hum phir Kashmir ko jayenge
RIK thanks all the actors of the play.A special thanks is due to Ajeet Panwar for his direction that made the play a great success. Ishan the Sutradhar,without you it was all incomplete.
The young or should I say adolescent team of RIK,Chandigarh had done everything to put my fears not only to rest but to sleep. They had contacted a theatre group to bring the play to the audiences. Many days were spent on finalization of the script. The artists were carefully chosen and rehearsals done to perfection. The presence of non-kashmiris as artists sent out a message. They had done what all of us had failed to do so far. They had managed to convey their pain and exile to their fellow Indians. It was what we need most “Empathy”.
There is very little that I can say about the play.The newspaper reports say it all.
It was a somber moment when a thousand candles lit to pray in the memory of those who were killed by terrorists.It was moment of peace and as tears rolled down Veer’s cheeks,the rest of team sang
Aaye jo aanee ho parlay,ho parvatmala bhi vilay,Ho chatone ke kshitij aur,
Nahee rok payenge …yeh prayaas,chu taron ko ham jayenge
Honge Aatankit ab na aur…jo aab awwaz uthayenge…to bujate dweep jalenyege
Haan naye shikhar…ha nayye laeh,bas yeh awwaz utahayenge…
Hum phir Kashmir ko jayenge…hum phir Kashmir ko jayenge
RIK thanks all the actors of the play.A special thanks is due to Ajeet Panwar for his direction that made the play a great success. Ishan the Sutradhar,without you it was all incomplete.

Tribune News Service
Tribune photo: Parvesh Chauhan
Chandigarh, February 29
Trishna, a play depicting the plight of Kashmiri Pandits, was staged by ‘Roots in Kashmir’ (RIK)-an initiative launched by the Kashmiri youth. The play highlighted the atrocities inflicted upon the minority community.
The play, staged in three parts, depicted the real life incidents of three families that underwent the trauma of terrorism in Kashmir. In the beginning, Rajesh, who was to become a father in two months, was killed by the terrorists leaving behind his pregnant wife Geeta.
The second part highlighted the misery of a father, who suggested his daughters to commit suicide in view of the growing exploitation of women in Kashmir. The last part showcased the plight of a woman crying for help to save her husband’s life who fell prey to the terrorism.
The play was conceived and scripted by RIK members and directed by Ajeet Panwar. Ajeet, a non-Kashmiri member of the group, said, “Kashmiri students on the campus inspired me to come up with this idea.” Narrator of the play Ishaan said, “The presence of a number of non-Kashmiri students suggested the involvement and dedication to the cause of Kashmiri Pandits, who have been the victims of terrorism.”
Nek Chand, who graced the occasion, said, “May you all get justice and return to your homeland as soon as possible.”