"And the World remained Silent" is a straight in your face kind of a documentary that highlights how Kashmiri Pandits were forced out of the valley which they belonged to and the valley which belonged to them.The documentary maker has put together compelling evidence and footage to show the exodus was planned and forced ,how government was but an accomplice in the crime.Ashoke Pandit a renowned film maker,himself a Kashmiri ,tells us the tale of how the world remained silent while half a million Kashmiri Pandits became refugees in their own nation.As if that wasnt enough,successive state and central governments did everything possible to add injury to insult by showing their best apathetic attitude to these people,conveys Ashoke through his 25 minute spine chilling documentary.
Come and see....how genocide takes shape to wipe out an entire gene pool .....
The documantary is the portrayal of the apathy of governments to protect its own citizens even after almost two excruciating decades...
to see those bereaving families and to have met them personally continue to arise in me innumerable questions, that apparently have no answers.....
let us all assemble together to watch the screening..
warm regards,
Well what can be said..
well said khaqsar...!!!!
I have not seen the movie, but I have undergone the pains of being a refugee in my own country.
I have gone through the pain of my loved one being massacred.
And after 17 years the overwhelming feeling is that being stickler to rules and respecting the Indian constitution does not pay. One needs to be a Naxalite, a Terrorist or a Big Money Bag, if one needs to be of any consequence in this is so called largest democracy, where its definition has been changed to :
A government "Of the goons, By the illeterates, For the Murderers and Rapists"
Lets all protest in a civil fashion by being there for the movie.
I have seen the documentary and it's a must watch for all Indians.
This quote is for the World that remained Silent:
"First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the communist and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionists. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me."
Pastor Niemoeler (victim of the Nazis)
Though i haven't seen the documentary i m aware of the stir it created at international level...
ethnic cleansing is a crime...and our govt. is responsible for letting it happen to kashmiri pandits......we the victims are paying a price for being indians and that too hindu
will surely b there on 20th june n request everyone to b there too
If successive governments have ignored us for reasons that arent cloaked in secrecy the need of the hour is to be more practive.Thoughts have to transformed into collective action.Let all of us be there for the screening to keep the fire of our 17 year old struggle raging in our hearts!!
Manish Mattoo
Islamic zealotory is the root cause of evil in Kashmir. This Jihad against civilized communities will not cease until Islam reforms itself and comes out of dark ages.Go and read 'Greater Kashmir' the news paper from Srinagar and see for your self how history is being rewritten and lies and myths exaggerated.
Lets us hope we can stir the sleeping masses of our country and prevent such genocides in future. I am sure if people don't wake up hindus will find themselves one fine day in srilanka with nowhere to go.
Not only country , we need to expose the Kashmiri Jehadi to the world. they endanger the world
Not only country , we need to expose the Kashmiri Jehadi to the world. they endanger the world
Not only country , we need to expose the Kashmiri Jehadi to the world. they endanger the world
KP exodus - truly a crime
KP muslim deaths (45000) by occupying indian army- is also a crime.
let us be balanced...
that's all
Mahesh Kr. Karna
KP's : killed for No reasons
Muslims Got killed for ganging against the Country and killing innocents
How can you compare both ...And also put in your real name
For the intelligent lot(i.e.KPs)what we are taken as--intelligence not used is like unused and hidden treasure. Explore and exploit your intelligence in best possible way to embark on the yet untreated path and claim your right.
We will win for sure.Kudos to RIK tigers
My name is Mahesh Kumar Karna, Maithil from Bihar.
Ganging up against 'whose country?', maybe many (Nagas/Meiteis/Kashmiri Muslims) consider their association with India illegitmate, and thus their resistance a legitmate response to occupation. Maybe you don't but then brits also took any opposition to their imperial occupation illegitmate.
It is not that KP situation is not a tragedy- but it is a tragedy of minority in a perverse construct called Nationalism. Look at gujrati muslims in gujrat, bihari hindus in Assam ... KP activist by uncritically throwing in their lot with the venal hindu far right Indian Nationalists appear more as soldiers for far right rather than a group truly concerned with the tragic fate which befell them.
why the hell dont u Kp's go thru History.why arent u ready to accept the fact that when rebels attacked kashmir Sheikh Abdullah asked jawhar lal nehru for help just to push back those rebels..JUST HELP.& when it was time to leave kashmir Jawharlal nehru plainly refused..NOW WHAT U CALL THAT.HA.NO BODY HAS THE ANSWER.KM's never wanted to be a part of pakistan.why cant we have our own land. our kashmir.. where km's & kp's can live in harmony.
its shameful how our genocide has been ignored by everyone in this world.look at our news channels, they have nothing more than kaal kaapaal mahakaal, sordid sleazy sting operations to show and never have they highlighted our plight apart from one miniscule prog.on NDTV some yrs back, miss barkha dutt will cry hoarse for muslims killed in encounters but never for a kp. shame on this so called janta ki awaaz...our media sucks!!!
I was a 10 yrs old kid,when I was forced to leave my motherland,but still after 17rs in exile,I still remember the shadow of the chinar behind my house,the warmth of kangri,the blossom of spring,the shiver of chilae-kalaan..The Bloodshed in my lane.,the blood spots on my house wall,three bomb blasts & two cross firing ,man was killed in front of me,when he tried to hide-out in Dustbin in Chot-bazar..I could never come out of those dreadful moments...We were been thrown out from our own land,in our own country..But the WORLD REMAINED SILENT..
Is it a Jehadh or terrorism..?
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